Thursday, 16 May 2013

Manual Testing and Types

Below given diagram depicts Manual Testing Types. In fact any type of software testing type can be executed both manually as well using an automation tool.
types of manual testing
Manual testing is the oldest and most rigorous type of software testing. Manual testing requires a tester to perform manual test operations on the software without the help of Test automation. Manual testing is a laborious activity that requires the tester to possess a certain set of qualities; to be patient, observant, speculative, creative, innovative, open-minded, resourceful, unopinionated, and skillful.

A manual tester would typically perform the following steps for manual testing:

1. Understand the functionality of program

2. Prepare a test environment.

3. Execute test case(s) manually

4. Verify the actual result
  • Record the result as Pass or Fail

  • Make a summary report of the Pass and Fail test                cases

  • Publish the report

  • Record any new defects uncovered during the test case execution
                        There is no complete substitute for manual testing. Manual testing is crucial for testing software applications more thoroughly. Test automation has become a necessity mainly due to shorter deadlines for performing test activities, such as regression testing, performance testing, and load testing.

 Manual Testing: - Manual testing is a testing technique, where test engineer test the software manually. The test engineer, who carries out all the test cases and executes on the application manually, step by step and indicates whether a particular step was accomplished successfully or whether it failed, performs manual testing. At the time of manual testing tester need only test case and with the information how to execute those test case. Test Complete gives you an opportunity to create and manage manual tests when testing your application. After adding a Manual Testing project item to your project, you can create a collection of steps to be performed when the application is being tested, with a description and detailed instructions for each step. Test case is also written for all type of testing according to test strategy of test plan. 
                     Test engineer writes test cases on base of design document of the software. Manual testing is always a part of any testing effort. It is especially useful in the initial phase of software development, when the software and its user interface are not stable enough, and beginning the automation does not make sense.


1. Manual testing can be use in both small and big project,

2. Easily we reduce and added our test case according to project movement.

3. It is covered in limited cost.

4. Easy to learn for new people who are entered in manual testing.

5. Manual is more reliable then automated (in many cases automated not cover all cases)

6. It allows the tester to perform more ad-hoc. In my experiences, more bugs are found via ad-hoc than via automation. And, the more time a tester spends playing with the feature of the software so he gets few user level bugs.

Advantage and disadvantage of manual and automated testing techniques

Key Features


1. GUI object size difference and color combination etc is not easy to find out in manual testing.

2. Actual load and performance is not possible to cover in manual testing for large number of users.

3. Running test manually is very time consuming job.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ajhe
    The Article on Manual Testing defect report template is nice give detail information about it.Thanks for Sharing the information about Manual Testing .Software Testing Company
